April 25, 2009

Swine Flu: Worse than the Susan Boyle Epidemic

Besides producing delicious bacon, our fat pink friends are also responsible for all the stories in the newspaper, recent dinner table conversations, and price cuts on hand sanitizer. Over 20 people have died from the swine flu in Mexico, with 8 in America also being affected. The number is expected to steadily climb as swine flu is easily transmitted. 

Source: WebMD.com
Date: 04-25-09
Link: CDC: Swine Flu Outbreak "Serious"

April 24, 2009

You're saying that maybe I won't owe my soul to Sallie Mae?

President Obama addressed all college and university heads, asking them to try and make their institutions more affordable. This plea was in response to unreasonable (and still climbing) tuition costs all over America. His reasons are many: colleges are wasteful with tuition money, loan programs are unnecessary, only serving to "line the pockets" of the banks, and that high tuition costs would deter students from even considering college.

Source: NYTimes
Date: 04-24-09
Link: Obama Chides Colleges to Curb Spiraling Tuition

April 13, 2009

Tuberculosis: A better gift than a knitted sweater from your grandma.

Holy malpractice, Batman! A 26-year-old resident in training has been walking around hospitals with tuberculosis for five months. Hundreds of patients and employees of three different hospitals have been exposed to tuberculosis, although no one has since tested positive.

Source: FOX news
Date: 04-13-09
Link: Chicago Doctor-in-Training Exposes Hundreds to Tuberculosis

The Diabetes Dilemma

As a result of this wonderful recession, diabetics have been skipping doctor visits, medicine, and insulin shots. The typical monthly bill to treat the disease runs anywhere between $350 and $900, which is too much money, considering the rise in unemployment.

Source: FOX news
Date: 04-13-09
Link: Diabetics Skimp on Lifesaving Care in Recession

April 6, 2009

Another imbecile kills his kids

It seems that the recession has brought about a pandemic of murder-suicides. This one has a twist: it has nothing to do with the recession. Instead of selfishly killing his children over money, James Harrison shot all four of his children over his wife leaving him for another man. He then shot himself. Smart.

Source: Huffington post
Date: 04-05-09
Link: Dad Killed kids because wife was leaving

April 5, 2009

Turning soldiers into missionaries: The American agenda

General Order Number One: American soldiers are not allowed to proselytize. So why is it that Al Jazeera has footage of American soldiers passing out Bibles written in the two main Afghani languages? Why is it that Colonel Gary Hensley was recorded saying to his minions, "The special forces guys - they hunt men basically. We do the same things as Christians, we hunt people for Jesus. We do, we hunt them down. Get the hound of heaven after them, so we get them into the kingdom. That's what we do, that's our business." No, Hensley, this is not your business. This is not the crusades. This is just one reason why America is so despised by so many.

Source: aljazeera.net
Date: 04-05-09
Link: Witness for Jesus in Afghanistan

April 1, 2009

slooF lirpA

In the spirit of April Fools Day, several companies and innovators are jumping on the tom foolery bandwagon. Popular travel company, Expedia is offering trips to Mars for $99 dollars, which includes a seven night stay at the Colbert hotel and casino orbiting the red planet. 

Source: MSNBC
Date: 04-01-09
Link: Foolery Goes High-Tech

March 30, 2009

GM and Chrysler receive failing grades, will get spanked upon return to their mothers

President Obama gave both GM and Chrysler failing grades for their use of the $17.4 billion dollars (yes, billion dollars) they have already received. This epic fail has caused GM CEO, Rick Wagoner, to resign. But the company is remaining faithful. GM has been given 60 days and Chrysler, 30, to redeem themselves before either can receive any more help. 

Source: CNNMoney
Date: 03-30-09
Link: Do or Die for GM and Chrysler

March 24, 2009

SIrens mark ten year anniversary of Nato bombings

It is difficult to believe that it has been ten years since Nato bombed Serbia. During a cabinet meeting, Serbian Prime Minister Mirko Cvetkovic announced that 2,500 civilians and 1,002 soldiers and police were killed during the bombings, which lasted for 11 days.

Source: BBC News
Date: 03-24-09
Link: Serbia marks bombing anniversary

My Spider Sense tells me that this story is too cute.

In Bangkok, Thailand, an eight-year-old autistic boy climbed out of a third floor window at his special needs school after becoming very upset. After many attempts by his teachers to coax the boy off the ledge, the fire department was alerted. Because the boy was non-responsive, one firefighter donned a Spider-Man costume and approached the boy with a glass of juice in hand. The boy happily climbed into the arms of his favorite superhero.

Source: BBC News
Date: 03-24-09
Link: Thai 'Spider-Man' to the rescue

March 19, 2009

NASA has some competition

Teenagers in Spain sent a simple helium-filled balloon attached to a digital camera up into the sky to gather atmospheric readings. What they got was much more than expected. The balloon, which was only expected to reach 30,000 feet instead reached a dizzying height of over 100,000, capturing stunning pictures and atmospheric readings along the way.

Source: FOX News
Date: 03-19-09
Link: Spanish Teens Capture Stunning Photos From Space by Sending Up Camera Attached to Balloon

March 18, 2009

Ski accident claims another celebrity life

Natasha Rishardson, accomplished actress and wife of Liam Neeson, died as a result of injuries from a fall during a ski lesson in Montreal. 

Sources: E! online and Redeye
Date: 03-18-09
Links: Natasha Richardson Dead at 45
Richardson family returns to NYC hospital where actress was reportedly taken with head injury

March 13, 2009

Madoff takes prison layover on way to Club Fed.

Bernard Madoff , former chairman of NASDAQ stock exchange, faces a maximum sentence of 150 years in prison. He may have defrauded his clients of almost $65 billion, making this the largest investor fraud ever committed by a single person. Today, Madoff pled guilty to an 11-count criminal complaint admitting to defrauding thousands of investors through a massive Ponzi scheme.

Source:msnbc news
Date: 03-12-09
Link: What's the proper penalty for Madoff?

(Week Eight)

March 12, 2009

An unreasonable sentence for a highly reasonable action.

On December 14, 2008 an Iraqi journalist Muntadhar al-Zeidi threw a shoe at President George W. Bush during a conference with Iraq Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki in Baghdad. He was sentenced three years for his actions, most find this sentence to be unjust.

Source: CBS NEWS
Date: 03-12-09
Link: Iraq Shoe thrower sentenced to 3 years

(Week Eight)

February 26, 2009

Unemployment, the greatest hype since the Furbie!

With the economy at an all time low, unemployment rates are at an all time high. Americans can only hope that the recently passed stimulus package will help their situations.

Source: Cnnmoney.com
Date: 02-26-09
Link: Jobless claims spike to 667,000

(Week Seven)

February 24, 2009

Dōmo arigatō Mr. Aso!

US President Barak Obama and Japanese Prime Minister Taro Aso decide to form an alliance to help the economy.

Source: BBC news
Date: 02-24-09
Link: US and Japan make economy pledge

(Week Seven)

February 20, 2009

They'll have to find someone else to draw the next cartoon!

Cartoonist Sean Delonas, drew a comic of two police officers standing over a chimpanzee that was shot by one of them. The caption read " They'll have to find someone else to write the next stimulus bill." Much controversy was caused by this cartoon since it looks like hes making a racist comment implying that the president is a chimpanzee, as well as taking a bash at the stimulus bill he had written.

Source: YAHOO! news
Date: 02-20-09
Link: NY Post cartoon of dead chimpanzee stirs outrage

Other Links: Link One
Link Two
Link Three

(Week Six)

February 19, 2009

Mumbai slums, Hello Oscars!

Slumdog Millionaire child stars, Rubina Ali and Azharuddin Ismail, from Mumbai's now world-famous slums, are headed to the Oscars in America to win some awards.

Source: bbc news
Date: 02-19-09
Link: Slumdog duo head for Oscar awards

(Week Six)

February 14, 2009

It's never to late to stimulate (the economy)!

Congress finally passes the long awaited stimulus package for $787 billion.

Source: www.news.cn / www.chinaview.cn
Date: 02-14-09
Link: U.S. Congress finally approves massive stimulus package

Other Link: Link One

(Week Five)

February 13, 2009

A close race to the finish line and Livni wins!

Tzipi Livni won the election for Israel president earlier this week by one single seat.
Source: AlJazeera.net
Date: 02-13-09

Other links : link one
link two

(Week Five)

February 6, 2009

FBI reviews 27 year old Tylenol case

New evidence leads the FBI to reexamine 1982 Tylenol deaths.

Source: JapanToday.com
Date: 02-06-09
Article Link: FBI announces review of evidence in 1982 Tylenol Deaths

(Week Four)

February 4, 2009

Superbowl XLIII, Pittsburgh victorious

Steelers deliver in a tight match to become newly crowned Superbowl Champs.

Source: FOX Sports on MSN (FOXSports.com)
Date: 02-04-09
Article Link: Steelers Win Super Bowl on Holmes' late TD

(Week Four)


Obama faces early setbacks, losing ground on the fight to save the economy.
Source: Redeye (news paper and online website)
Date: 02-04-09
Article Link: 'I screwed up,' Obama Says

(Week Four)

January 31, 2009

The first Democratic governor in a quarter century and the first governor in Illinois history to be impeached

" I did not do anything wrong."That's what more than one political figure has said in the last 15 years. Clinton may have lied to a whole nation saying that he did not commit sexual acts with Monika Lewinsky, but Rod Blagojevich was no where near being innocent on Thursday, January 29th, of 2009. The Illinois state senate voted 59-0 to remove Blagojevich from office and soon after lieutenant governor, Patrick Quinn, was sworn in as the state's 41st governor. Blagojevich had tried to sell Obama's vacant Senate seat, which he was interviewing people for and trying to get them to give him money for it. He also tried to force the Chicago Tribune into firing the editors that wrote negative pieces about him and hire patsies to replace them as well as extorting a charity organization.

Source: Chicago Tribune
Date: January 30, 2009
Article Link:
Chicago Tribune: Impeached Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich has been removed from office.

(Week Three)

January 29, 2009

Attack of the killer peanuts

Salmonella outbreak forces Peanut Corp. to recall over 400 products.

Source: CBS News
Date: 1/29/2009

January 22, 2009

England's Finance Minister aids suffering councils in Northern Ireland

Finance Minister Nigel Dodds announces an aide package of £8 million to councils of Northern Ireland in an attempt to halt inflation.

Source: BBC News; Ireland News
Date: 01-19-09
Article Link: £8m aid to curb rates hike fears

(Week Two)

January 20, 2009


President Obama swears in as the 44th President of the United States as a nation takes on a confident leader.

Source: NYTimes.com/New York Times
Date: 01-20-2009
Source: Editorial;President Obama

(Week Two)

January 15, 2009

An Apple a day keeps our health problems away...

Apple's Steve jobs announces his medical leave, leaving baffled followers with unanswered questions.

Source: CNNMoney.com
Date: 01/14/09
Link:Apples Jobs to take medical leave

(Week One)

January 14, 2009

Motorola falls victim to failing economy

Motorola, in an effort to cope with failing mobile phone sales, announces a plan of over 4,000 job cuts.

Date: 01/14/09
Article Link: Motorola cutting 4,000 jobs...

(Week One)